
The value of financial planning: How it could help you achieve your aspirations

Often one of the biggest benefits of a bespoke financial plan is that it allows you to devise a blueprint to follow, with your goals placed at the centre. It’s a strategy that could help you focus on what you want to achieve in life and make working with a professional even more valuable to you.

Over the last few months, you’ve read about how a financial plan could help you grow your wealth and the value of non-tangible benefits, like feeling more confident about your finances. Now, read on to discover how financial planning might help you align your decisions with your aspirations. 

Your goals are the focus of your financial plan

While you might think of financial planning as being about figures and growing your wealth, it goes far beyond this. Financial planning aims to help you reach your goals, whether you want to retire early, have the money to book holidays to exciting destinations or be in a position to offer support to your family. 

To achieve this aim, financial planning starts by understanding what your goals are. Having a clear idea about what your aspirations are could allow you to make decisions that enable you to turn them into a reality. So, defining what success means for you is often crucial. 

For example, you might start by saying your family is a priority and you want to offer them support. But what does this look like? Do you want to offer financial support, such as a deposit when they’re buying a home, or do you want to have greater freedom so you can look after your grandchildren?

As financial planners, we can help you define your life goals and understand what’s possible. 

Cashflow modelling could help you visualise the impact of your decisions

One of the challenges of setting out how to reach your long-term goals is that it can be difficult to know whether the decisions you’re making will support or harm them.

Cashflow modelling can be used as an invaluable tool to help you visualise the impact decisions might have on your financial future and, so, on your goals. 

When using cashflow modelling you input data like the value of your assets now. You can then model how different decisions will affect the outcome. It’s a way of understanding how the decisions you make now could affect goals that are years away. 

If your goal is to retire early, you might update the information used for cashflow modelling to answer questions like:

  • Could I afford to retire five years earlier?
  • If I retire when I’m 55, what income could my pension sustainably provide?
  • Could I take a tax-free lump sum from my pension when I first retire and still be financially secure? 
  • How would increasing or decreasing my pension contributions affect the value of my pension pot at retirement?

Armed with the information cashflow modelling provides, you’re often in a better position to make financial decisions that reflect your aspirations. 

A financial plan may keep your goals on track as your circumstances change

You might set out clear goals now, but as your circumstances and desires change, they may not be the same in five years.

A family illness might mean you decide to step away from work sooner than you expected to support them. Or an unexpected inheritance may mean you’re able to secure goals you previously thought were out of reach. 

By having an ongoing relationship with a financial planner and regular reviews, which will include reassessing your aspirations, we can help you adjust your plan, so it continues to suit your needs. 

It’s not just your goals that could lead to change either.

You might come across an investment opportunity and decide you want to divert some of the money to this. A financial plan could help you assess if it’s the right decision for you and how it might affect other parts of your plan.

For instance, could choosing a higher-risk investment rather than contributing to your pension place your comfortable retirement at risk? Or are you in a position where you can invest and still feel confident about your retirement?

By modelling opportunities or obstacles using cashflow modelling, working with a financial planner could help you understand the impact of making changes to your plans as opportunities arise.

Contact us to talk about how a financial plan could be valuable for you

As you’ve read over the last few months, a tailored financial plan could provide financial and non-financial benefits. If you’d like to explore how a financial plan could add value to your life, please contact us. 

In an initial meeting, we can discuss how we could work together to help you reach your goals. 

Please note:

This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 

Investments should be considered over the longer term and should fit in with your overall attitude to risk and financial circumstances.

A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 

The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances. Thresholds, percentage rates, and tax legislation may change in subsequent Finance Acts.  

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate cashflow modelling.


    What our clients say

    The majority of my time has been spent running a business and concentrating on making the correct day-to-day decisions; it was essential for me to gain advice and guidance. Phill and his team at RPG have been able to guide me and provide a balanced portfolio. Without turning to RPG, I would have been unable to arrange my long-term financial future. They have a vast amount of knowledge and have produced the results essential for when I decide to retire.

    John S, Shropshire


    Because our business was growing every year, we didn't really look at how the money we were making was put to best use. We needed some expert advice to lead us in the right direction. Anthony O'Connor has always been very helpful and approachable whilst dealing with our affairs. We are left to do what we do best: run a business. We would highly recommend anybody who is seeking financial advice to look at the services Anthony and his team can provide.”

    John and Carole, Cheshire

    Business owners

    We decided to use Phill Owen to help us with our financial planning as our savings, mortgage and life policies did not seem coordinated. Phill provided a clear plan for the future. He helped us organise our wills, inheritance matters and our future retirement. With our face-to-face catchups and regular emails or phone calls, Phill has always given us sound advice. This, in turn, has given us the peace of mind that our financial matters, now and in the future, are in good hands and in good order.

    Nick and Christine, Shropshire

    Retired Dairy Consultant and Retired NHS Therapist

    I started using RPG on the advice of my bank when I started my own limited company. They have guided me through potential pitfalls in such a friendly manner that, even though our relationship has always been professional, I still consider them as friends. This journey has gone through setting up my company, tax, VAT, insurance advice, setting up wills, buying a different house and ensuring my wife and sons are provided for, both now and in the future. It has been such an easy journey. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone.

    John M, Manchester

    Aircraft Engineer

    My wife and I have been clients of Phill's for 25 years; 20 of which were with RPG Chartered Financial Planners. 17 years were prior to retirement and nine years have been post-retirement. Their involvement has been crucial to dissipate our financial and estate management concerns. RPG’s staff have been exemplary; always approachable and quick to respond. We have no reason to believe that this tremendous working relationship will not be as successful in the future as it has been in the past. We have no hesitation in recommending them.

    Paul and Pat S

    Retired Veterinary Surgeon and Retired College Lecturer

    I am a Chartered Structural Engineer and have very little knowledge, experience or understanding of financial affairs and investments. Approximately six years ago I started to think about early retirement. For the past six years RPG have provided excellent financial planning and tax-efficient advice in the form of a combination of pension and cash ISA investments, which have grown significantly to such an extent that early retirement is imminent.

    Pete, Manchester

    Chartered Engineer

    Early in 2000, we decided we needed financial advice. We contacted Phillip Owen, who created a financial planning strategy that addressed all our needs. We were impressed with his advice, and so a partnership began that has lasted. Original goals are still being met and often exceeded, and investments are successful. There is long-term financial planning in place, even for the youngest family members. I highly recommend Phill and his team.

    Mike, Westminster

    Retired Teacher and Volunteer Sector Adviser

    We were in need of an adviser who could provide a wide spectrum of advice for managing our portfolio. We met Anthony on several occasions to understand his breadth of experience, and we were very impressed. Anthony's team took the reins in consolidating and rationalising our portfolio. We are very pleased with Anthony's service and we look forward to a long-lasting relationship with him.

    Atul and Nita, London

    IT Consultant & Accountant

    Anthony O’Connor has advised me over several years about pensions and general financial planning.  I have found him knowledgeable, supportive and a person who provides good solutions . He has a “can do “ approach and makes things happen.  I have recommended him to a number of friends and they are all happy with his support and advice  He is always good humoured which is a good quality when planning ones financial affairs.

    Geoffrey Smith, Manchester


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